Spay/Neuter Information
Resources about Spay/Neuter for Pet Owners
Spaying and Neutering your animal is the only way to help control the pet homelessness crisis, which results in millions of healthy dogs and
cats being euthanized in the U.S. each year simply because they don't have a home.
There are also medical and behavioral benefits to spaying (female pets) and neutering (male pets) your animals:
Reduce spraying & marking
Reduce roaming
Reduce aggression
Lower risk of cancers
Decrease overpopulation
Increase life span up to 3-5 years
Below are some options for low cost spay and neuter.
Operation CatNIP Spay/Neuter
provides free or low cost spay/neuter services for pets in low income households and stray cats, primarily focusing on cats in the city of Harrisburg. For more information, please call 831-5010 and leave a message in mailbox #2
For more information on how to help spay/neuter stray cats in your neighborhood contact these LOCAL organizations:
-The Spay/Neuter Assistance Fund at www.snapofpa.org. Low-cost spay/neuter and vaccines for owned or stray cats.
-PAWS at 717-957-8122, Box #3 or pawsofpa.org.
-The Pet Pantry of Lancaster County-http://petpantrylc.org/spayneuter-information/
-Both the Harrisburg Humane Society and the York County SPCA offer low cost spay/neuter for owned cats and dogs, as well as reduced rates on vaccinations. Go to their web site for more information.
Resources for TNR cats ONLY:
-The Nobody's Cats Foundation at nobodyscats.org. Nobody's Cats Foundation is specifically focused on Free-Roaming Cats only. 855-867-4228
-Steelton Community Cats www.steeltoncats.org
-Derry Township Community Cats 717-592-8087 www.DerryTownshipCats.org