Castaway Critters always has a need for Volunteers to help with various functions. We require a commitment of 4 hours minimum per month as it takes time of other Volunteers to train new Volunteers. Please consider this before submitting an application. Volunteering for an animal rescue is hard work - are you that special person?
*Please note Volunteers MUST be 18 years of age or older*
Assist at Meet & Greet Events - Adoption events occur almost weekly, these events include set up and take down of folding tables and crates; assisting with the animals and interacting with the public. This requires physical labor and the willingness to work hard.
Tabling Events - PR events, including set up and take down of Castaway Critters displays, tables, sharing printed materials and other Castaway Critters items, and interacting with the public regarding Castaway Critters services.
Local Pet Stores - Helping to care for animals in local pet stores, a weekly commitment is required.
Tranpsorting - Transporting animals from various pick-up locations and vet offices.
Fundraising - Includes a variety of tasks and events throughout the year.
Trap/Neuter/Return - Need for trained or "will train" trappers to work on an Action Team to arrange TNR for cat colonies in our community.
Grantwriting - Experience is preferred.
Administrative Tasks -We periodically have a variety of Administrative tasks that need attention.
Supplies - Pick up and drop off of supplies
Bottle Feeders for young kittens and newborns -experience preferred - see below for more details
Below are specific Volunteer Opportunities and volunteer positions in which we have an immediate need!
Kitten Bottle Feeders
This opportunity involves bottle feeding and caring for orphan kittens until such time they are able to eat solid foods on their own. Once weaned, kittens will be transferred to other foster homes for care until adoption. Time commitment is approximately 1- 5 weeks.
Tasks include:
Feeding newborn orphan kittens according to recommended veterinary protocol. Vet visits may be required. Feeding schedule may be as frequent as every 2 to 4 hours depending upon age of kitten at intake. Less frequently as they get older.
PLEASE NOTE: Kittens are very fragile and must be isolated in a carrier or cage. We do not recommend handling by young children.
Supplies and Needs:
All supplies and kitten meal replacement formula and bottles will be provided and paid for by Castaway Critters. Kittens need a quiet, warm and safe haven during their early weeks of life. Vet visits may be required if needed, we pay all vet care.
Please submit a Volunteer Application. If you would like more information please call our phone number,
717-831-5010, and leave message in line # 1 and we will call you back. Thank You.
Vet Transports
We often need cats taken to the vets during daytime hours when other volunteers are working their "day" jobs or on weekends to go to spay/neuter appointments. If you are willing and available to transport cats to vet appointments and back in the Harrisburg, Hershey/Hummelstown area, please contact our phone at
717-831-5010 and leave your complete name, address, phone and what you can offer in terms of time on Line # 4.
If you are an experienced trapper or a person who is willing to learn how to trap feral or friendly stray cats please contact us. We loan out humane traps to assist the public with trapping feral cats for the purpose of trap-neuter-return.
Pick up Supplies or Donations
Do you have a truck or large vehicle that can pick up supplies? We often need assistance to pick up large quantities of dog or cat food or other pet supplies from donors or pet food banks. If interested in being on our on-call list, please call us at 717-831-5010 and leave message on line # 4.